While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
ладно, пугать больше не буду
ты когда идёшь на кухню включай везде свет - помогает
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
просто не бери в голову а смело иди на кухню за водой
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
aparently not, since you're afraid to be alone in dark
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
лол, прям щас вижу приедут мои родители домой а я в своей кроватке, рядом бензо пила ))) мама и так говорит что я со странностями, тут точно куда подальше отправят )
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
ну так ты за ними не багай с той пилой...просто положи рядом на подушку
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
какого размера твои подушки то?
гектаром площади?
ну вот......бензопилой их всех гадов, а ты говоришь боишься. Пущай тебя боятся
While man, being finite, cannot comprehend the highest, still he can and should dedicate the best that he has to the highest that he knows. ~Pythagoras
т.е. не так сильно бояться буду...
ой хочу пить, ужастно, так этож надо вниз на кухню спускаться... (
ты когда идёшь на кухню включай везде свет - помогает
фильмов слишком много насмотрелась наверное
нуу... мммм....
сё равно, страшшшшно )
почаще так делай и избавишься от этого страха
просто боюсь одной в доме оставаться на ночь )
лол, тоже идея... но не всех топором можно напугать... а вдруг топор заберут... оййй блуин
лол, прям щас вижу приедут мои родители домой а я в своей кроватке, рядом бензо пила ))) мама и так говорит что я со странностями, тут точно куда подальше отправят )
ну ладно, так и быть... под одеялом... а как кто подойдёт, сразу рубить и пилить буду.. )
гектаром площади?
ну вот......бензопилой их всех гадов, а ты говоришь боишься. Пущай тебя боятся
спасибо, за поддершку и советы...
а щас я пойду спать...
как ни страшно, попытаюсь уснуть, уже 5 утра...
а о семье нашей это мы ещё потом поговорим )))
я кстати тоже на боковую (и это в 6 утра)
о семье нашей мы ещё обязательно поговорим
good night and sweet dreams